Walpurgis Nacht and May Day Life-cycle Greetings everyone!

Strength Heart and Wisdom to you all :)

And the warmest of Blessings to those of you who celebrate Beltane on May 7th.

But, right now I would like to wish you all a magically wonderful Walpurgis Nacht, and a bountiful May Day.

Merry dance and sing for the joy of life this Walpurgis Nacht!

A time to celebrate your mystical family, and to reach out to each other in love and friendship.

Midnight of the 30th of April is also a time which brings us into closer contact with our wonderful guides and benefactors – the ‘Lords of Light’ – and is a Magical moment to make that special wish.

May you experience the joy of magic and mystery during this night of pleasure.

The aim for those of us who can dance :)

Leonorian Metaphysics flies to you on golden wings!

With love

In the Service of our Craft.

Leonora xx

An ongoing constant :)

First published 22 april 2014.
Shared 22 april 2017 23 24

A reminder that all those who use Worship, Prayer, or Supplication are Practising either First or Second Level Outer Circle Witchcraft..

Greetings from the Inner Circle.

Here is a glimpse into the realm of the known and the unknown.

Consider this..

First Level, Outer Circle
This Level includes all Religions and Philosophies that use Prayer or Supplication to any kind of Deity, and those who refute the existence of any kind of Deity.

Which means that, from our point of view all people who follow these Religions and Philosophies, or refute them, are by definition Practising Witchcraft.

May you never Thirst.

Ipsissima xx

Warm greetings everyone.
Strength Heart and Wisdom to you all.

Here’s an easy to remember ‘bullet-point’ version of our Guidelines and voice-over for you.

A more detailed version including the matching voice-over and video link can be found here:


21 Commandments. Our Guidelines, Doctrine and Dogma.

Contemplating these points will trigger magical thinking.
Understanding and USING them will open the door.
And keep it open
1: Nothing is for Nothing.
2: Now LET GO of all intolerance, self pity, and vanity.
3: Never hurt or harm anyone without a justifiable reason of Self Defence.
4: Forever control your emotions lest they control you.
5: Forever live underneath your expectations so that your ambitions do not drive you into discontent.
6: The ‘Law of Three’ says: You in the centre, your Best on one side, your Worst on the other.
8: Logic is The Thing That Is.
9: Take the importance off it.
10: Remember, it’s two steps forward, one step back.
11: Know that you are the funniest thing on two legs.
12: Always imagine a little smile hovering in the middle of your forehead.
13: Now, become Nothing.
14: Self pity is poison to the human spirit.
15: Perspective is always based in Understanding the Three Great Circles of Magic.
16: Keep your Mind and your Legs always open in the Service of your Craft.
17: You are god. You are the devil. Yours is the choice.
18: Know that matter can neither be created nor destroyed.
19: Everything shall be again, yet never be the same.
20: The Cycle of Creation happens Once and always.
21: We live within the ‘Law of the Paradox’.

To experience, understand, and use this Law is one of the main aims and
outcomes of the Study and Practise of the Inner Circle Mysteries
of Creationist Magic known as Leonorian Metaphysics.

May you never thirst.

Ipsissima XXI

That They still Stand Watching and Calling for Balance.
Nature will find it – be sure of that.
Find your own within Heart and Mind
Using Flow Between Worlds
On a gentle breath.
You can, you know.

Hello my dear friends and fellow Travellers.
Strength Heart and Wisdom to you all.

Tonight during a special outdoor (backyard) Ritual the Elders and Those Who Went Before arrived in great numbers and gathered in a new way.

They came to me and stood with me and all around me within Nature under the sky, but this time a loud, deep and resonant voice Called a Vision of the Mighty Oak, whose roots plunge to the centre of the Earth and whose branches fill the sky. Then they Invoked a Balance that seemed to encompass the whole planet, and Flow Between Worlds was performed with great strength. It is the first time they have done this.

They want you to know they Stand Watching and Calling for Balance.

In Joy Love and Passion!
And not a small amount of Awe …

Leonora xx

Warm greetings everyone, and Happy Equinox for Wednesday, 20 March (in Sydney) everyone!
Strength Heart and Wisdom to you all.

Please enjoy Equinox/Solstice blessings from the Inner Circle.
“We feel the spring and autumn equinox and the great
balancing energies spreading throughout our being
at both equinox times and we give thanks.”

Here is the timing for the Spring North/Autumn South: Equinox 2024.

In Sydney, New South Wales, Australia: Wednesday, 20 March 2024 at 2:06 pm AEDT
This corresponds to Wednesday, 20 March 2024 at 03:06 UTC.

Here’s a handy chart showing Sydney AU Solstice and Equinox times for the next five years.

May you all have a lovely, balancing time during Equinox.
This year and every year.

Ipsissima xx

Warm greetings everyone.
Strength Heart and Wisdom to you all.

Please enjoy this article from 8 March 2015 about the difference between the Transmission of Thought vs emotional content.

Greetings from the Inner Circle.

Here is a glimpse into the realm of the known and the unknown.

Consider this..

Thought is clear. It can be sent as exact data – ones and zeros capable of exact and clear transmission – vs emotional content which is subjective and can only be assumed to be the same in content received or sent.

That is: You can’t superimpose a generic emotional condition upon all humans. It just doesn’t work that way.

However, you can superimpose clear Thought from one entity to another. This is how ‘animal transmutations’ happen. The Practitioner superimposes their thoughts onto the thoughts of the Totem animal, and can often See through its eyes for the duration.

This can also be done human to human, but it’s not empathy at work. It’s telepathy, and even though it’s indiscriminately used in politics and advertising, should really only be used by Practitioners who know how to disengage smoothly and completely from their recipients.

May your days and nights be blessed.

Ipsissima XXI

How do you practise intuition gifts?
Do this daily!
If you dare :)

Warm greetings everyone.
Strength Heart and Wisdom to you all.

First posted 23 feb 21

Here’s an interesting q&a that you might find useful.
How do you practice intuition gifts?
Reach out with your mind. Extend your imagination – as though you’re in a dark room and ‘someone’ or ‘something’ has just entered. You don’t know who or what it is, and the only way to find out is to listen.

With your skin..

Ipsissima xxi


Warm greetings everyone.

Here’s a Thought for the Day about Transcendence shared from 10 Feb 2011 and still valid today.

“Transcendence is quite simple, really. It’s just a matter of ‘getting beyond’ platitudes and cliches. Of course, before that happens, we need to know which cliches and platitudes have infiltrated our minds..”

Do you know which cliches and platitudes, if any, have infiltrated your mind?
Do you have a need to get beyond them?

Our Book of Knowledge can open doors:

May you Walk in the Darkness and the Light.

Ipsissima XXI

The Spark of Life..

Warm greetings everyone.
Strength Heart and Wisdom to you all.

Here’s an interesting Quora Q and A for you about the “spiritual star” in a person:

What is the right name for the spiritual star in a person (not astrology or astronomy) which is clair-seen as a glowing ball of white light?

Leonorian Metaphysics calls it the Spark of Life.

Sitting ‘just behind’ the heart, and linked to the heart’s electrical flow as long as That Which Animates (Spirit) inhabits the body, it can be perceived as a glowing ball of white light, or a pulsing flash, and sometimes just a tiny but constant golden spark – and can sometimes be seen or sensed, by some, to leave the body at death.

If you are clair-sentient, clairvoyant, or telepathic and you choose to look closely at all living things, you will see it in one form or another in all of them.

It’s there in all inanimate things too, but is sensed more as a fluctuating or static energy ‘field’ (depending on density and structure: rocks static, rivers fluctuating) across or within the whole event, rather than in a specific place within the living form..

May you never thirst.


Warm greetings everyone.

Strength Heart Wisdom and Happy 3 days of sun-stillness to everyone.

“We allow all seasonal changes on all parts of the planet to flow through us.
We feel the summer and winter solstice and the great energy changes shifting globally and within our hearts at both solstice times and we make a wish.”

Wishing you all a most Magical Solstice and the very best New Year!

And remember, Balance is always restored in favour of those who fervently Keep it.

Fervently Keep it dearest Hearts and Minds.

An Inner Circle take on things for you:


In the Service of the Craft.



Warm greetings everyone
Strength Heart and Wisdom to you all.

Yesterday I decided to perform our Grand Ceremony in the back yard.
I used the Sun to represent the Mirror, and Opened the Circle as usual.

It was a lovely, immersive experience – as usual – but this time, right at the end, immediately after I’d Uttered the final “thank you”, the windchimes behind me made a single “ting” as though in reply.

A dreamlike and wonderful coincidence that I thought I would share with you.

Leonora xx

The first iteration of this post was published Thursday 28 March 2013 14:45

Warm Greetings everyone.
Strength Heart and Wisdom to you all.

If I can offer nothing else to ease the burdens placed upon Humanity, at least I can feel a deep and grateful joy and a contentment knowing I’ve done my best to offer these Teachings to you.

This Magical, Metaphysical System is much loved and dear to me.

I learned it under unique circumstances, and I am proud to offer it to those who are able to explore its Wonders.

This Magical, yet logical System removes the need for Faith or Belief in any Deity!

It is revolutionary in that regard.
There is no other System that offers such ‘simple’ guidance, with such tremendous implications.
It is unique.

It is stated right from the start that you can read it as fact or fiction – it doesn’t matter.

Yet it gives a complete Understanding of how the Cycle of Creation occurs.

And it offers beautiful Rituals, Information, Guidelines, Ceremonies, and Workings to help bring that Understanding into your life as Experiential Knowledge.

Once you can visualise, imagine, and experience the process, you will no longer need to “worship” anything, nor “have faith”.

Because you will understand the process and how it applies to Manifestation and Creation in the greater sense, and in day-to-day life.

The Cycle of Creation follows the same Path for both Macro-cosmic and Micro-cosmic events.

And, when you can understand the “higher” reaches of the Practise, in the form of the Law of the Paradox, you will see how it’s still possible to work Magically with which-ever Deity you wish to invoke or evoke, or, if you wish..

Joy Love and Passion
Strength Heart and Wisdom
Tolerance Patience and Understanding
In the Service of the Craft

Ipsissima xxi

Warm greetings everyone.

Strength Heart and Wisdom to you all.

There are thousands of Spell books, Self-help books, Books on Witchcraft, Wicca, Paganism, and other Magical, Spiritual and Religious beliefs and philosophies.

But there is only one COMPENDIUM IPSISSIMA – where you can learn what happens ‘behind the veil’ of all those Outer Circle Magical Practices.

Where you can discover the Inner Circle Mysteries of Leonorian Metaphysics.

= =
You need this information if:

You are new to the Path and want to learn, but don’t resonate with what you’ve found so far.

You are happy with your current Magical or Spiritual Path and would like to add to it.

You want to know more about what hides behind the veil of Belief, Worship and Faith.

You have gone as far as your current Spiritual or Craft Practice can take you, and you know there is more but have yet to find it.

You have a profound need to feel close to or engage directly with Nature and Spirituality but don’t like or don’t agree with the idea of having to believe in or promote a God/Goddess ‘fairy-tale’ in order to do so.
= =

Studied and Practised within the Great Circle of the Order of the Red Rose and housed within the Temple of Strength Heart and Wisdom – including information about the Levels within the Order, the Cycle of Creation, the Law of the Paradox, and the Three Great Circles of Magic – this Magical information is described and Written in:

THE COMPENDIUM IPSISSIMA – A Sacred Blending. To Open Your Psychic Mind.

Now available as a “carry with you” PDF eBook!
Compendium Ipsissima eBook

Or, choose a b/w or full-colour edition of this Sacred Text:

All editions:

Strength Heart and Wisdom at Substack:

May your Days and Nights be Blessed.
In the Service of the Craft.

Leonora xx

Magic is all around us
It’s Time
Remove superstition from mystery
Open your mind

May the thrill of living
Permeate your world

(((Feel))) the Rhythm

Walpurgis Nacht and May Day Life-cycle Greetings everyone!

Strength Heart and Wisdom to you all :)

And the warmest of Blessings to those of you who celebrate Beltane on May 7th.

But, right now I would like to wish you all a magically wonderful Walpurgis Nacht, and a bountiful May Day.

Merry dance and sing for the joy of life this Walpurgis Nacht!

A time to celebrate your mystical family, and to reach out to each other in love and friendship.

Midnight of the 30th of April is also a time which brings us into closer contact with our wonderful guides and benefactors – the ‘Lords of Light’ – and is a Magical moment to make that special wish.

May you experience the joy of magic and mystery during this night of pleasure.

The aim for those of us who can dance :)

Leonorian Metaphysics flies to you on golden wings!

With love

In the Service of our Craft.

Ipsissima xxi

Warm greetings and Happy Equinox everyone!
Strength Heart and Wisdom to you all.

Equinox Local Time & Date
In Sydney, New South Wales, Australia: Tuesday, 21 March 2023, 08:24 AEDT
This corresponds to Monday, 20 March 2023, 21:24 UTC.
Here’s a handy chart showing Solstice and Equinox times for the next five years.

Please enjoy Equinox/Solstice blessings from the Inner Circle.
“We feel the spring and autumn equinox and the great
balancing energies spreading throughout our being
at both equinox times and we give thanks.”

May you all have a lovely, balancing time during Equinox.
This year and every year.

Ipsissima xx